The root cause of your destruction!

The root cause of your destruction!

23 sept. 2018

Antoine DJETE

“You are destroyed, Israel, because you are against me, against your helper” Hosea 13:9

Beloved ones,

Please accept that we be straightforward by telling ourselves some truths; let’s avoid seeking to cover our ego. I wish to talk to you of the main source of our many problems. Oftentimes, selfishness it is that leads us to get irritated against the creator, the only one that is able to help us. Rather than become humble under his powerful hand, we grow an attitude of revolt and refusal to acknowledge his authority.

When God sent Moses to Pharaoh’s to ask him to let Israel, his people, go, this is the selfish and most negligent answer King Pharaoh made: “Who is the LORD, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD and I will not let Israel go.” Exodus 5:2. You know what happened next: Pharaoh and all his army perished, drowned in the red sea. Selfishness always leads to total destruction.

That was also the case of the rich man whose lands yielded enough crops. Rather than show gratitude to the Everlasting God who gave rain, he though he owed his good performance to his own effort as he said: “(…) I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” Luke 12: 18-19. But that very night, his life was demanded from him.

Herod was another similar case, he that was stricken by the Lord for failing to give God the glory. “He was eaten by worms and died” Acts 12: 20-23.

Basically, our issues neither draw their roots from the aunt in the village, the witches in our areas, our work colleagues or our supervisors; nor do they originate from juncture, current government or slump. Our being against he that is able to help us, overriding instructions of the Almighty is what lands us into trouble. Hereafter is the alarm call from God: “If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea” Isaiah 48:18.

Please come back to God for your restoration to avoid total destruction!

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

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